By Dansu Peter In a heartfelt demonstration of compassion and solidarity, Big Grace Foundation, an organization dedicated to supporting the...
By Dansu Peter
In a heartfelt demonstration of compassion and solidarity, Big Grace Foundation, an organization dedicated to supporting the less privileged, hosted its annual Widows Praise Outreach at a vibrant event that celebrated resilience, faith, and community.
The outreach, spearheaded by the foundation's founder, Mrs. Ajadi Temitope Mopelola, brought together widows from across Iragon, Iragbo and adjoining communities in Badagry for a day filled with praise, worship, and empowerment. The event began with a spirited praise and worship session led by a dynamic choir, creating an atmosphere of thanksgiving and hope.
As part of its commitment to uplifting widows, the foundation distributed gift packages containing essential items, including rice, macaroni/spaghetti, three yards of fabric, and salt. These items, generously donated by partners and supporters, aimed to ease the burdens of daily life for the widows.
One of the event's most touching moments was the testimony session, where widows shared their personal stories of perseverance and triumph. Their narratives highlighted the strength of the human spirit and the importance of community support in overcoming life’s challenges.
Expressing gratitude, Mrs. Ajadi praised the foundation’s donors and community leaders for their unwavering support. Notable contributors included Chief T.Y., the Baale of Iragbo and the foundation's patron, as well as other esteemed leaders such as Chief Sedowhe Francis, Chief Isiaka Akinyemi, Chief Awo Kehinde, and Chief Kinifo, the Baale of Athanmayin. Their financial, physical, and moral contributions played a pivotal role in the event’s success.
In her closing remarks, Mrs. Ajadi reaffirmed the foundation's commitment to empowering widows and other vulnerable groups in society. “This is just the beginning,” she said. “We will continue to stand by these remarkable women and ensure they receive the support they deserve.”
The Widows Praise Outreach stands as a testament to Big Grace Foundation’s motto, “Supporting the less privileged,” and its ongoing mission to create a more inclusive and compassionate society.
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