By Dansu Peter In a tragic turn of events, a Catholic priest, Rev. Joseph Enyinnaya, has been arrested for allegedly shooting a teenage boy...
By Dansu Peter
The incident occurred on January 1, 2025, when a group of boys reportedly began setting off fireworks (commonly known as knockouts) inside the church during the service. According to eyewitness accounts, the priest allegedly fired shots into the air in an attempt to disperse the group. In the chaos that ensued, the teenager was fatally struck by a bullet.
Community members expressed outrage and sorrow over the incident, which has cast a shadow over the celebrations. A local resident, speaking anonymously, claimed the priest might have unintentionally fired the shot. “It appears he tried to check the gun when it accidentally discharged and hit the boy,” the source alleged.
The Imo State Police Command has confirmed the arrest of Rev. Enyinnaya. Speaking on the matter, the Police Public Relations Officer, Henry Okoye, assured the public that a thorough investigation is underway.
“We have commenced detailed investigations to unravel the facts surrounding the incident. Updates will be provided as the investigation progresses,” Okoye said.
The tragic incident has left the Amaimo community in mourning as residents call for justice and a comprehensive review of the events that led to the teenager’s death.
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