By Dansu Peter The Pot-Balogun family has announced the sudden and heartbreaking passing of their beloved brother, Chief Sehomi Abayomi Pot...
By Dansu Peter
In an official statement released by Chief Pot-Balogun Sessi (Selan) on behalf of the family, it was noted that Chief Abayomi's death has left a profound void in the lives of those who knew and loved him.
The family has also disclosed the funeral arrangements to honor and celebrate his life:
Christian Wake-Keep
- Date: Thursday, January 23, 2025
- Time: 4:00 PM
- Venue: Chief Pot-Balogun’s Compound, Ajara Vetho, Badagry
Burial and Interment
- Date: Friday, January 24, 2025
- Time: 10:00 AM
- Venue: Ajara Cemetery, Badagry
Entertainment will follow immediately after the burial at Chief Pot-Balogun’s Compound, Ajara Vetho, Badagry.
The late Chief Abayomi Pot-Balogun is survived by his wives and children. The family has extended an invitation to friends, relatives, and well-wishers to join them in paying their last respects and offering prayers during this period of mourning.
The Pot-Balogun family expressed their gratitude for the support and prayers received and requested continued solidarity as they navigate this challenging time.
For further details, contact Chief Pot-Balogun Sessi (Selan), the official spokesperson for the family.
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