By Dansu Goldmark In a disturbing incident that has sent shockwaves through the educational community, a male teacher at Moruga Secondary S...
By Dansu Goldmark
Reports, the altercation began when the teacher instructed the student to tuck in his shirt, leading to an argument. Eyewitness accounts suggest the situation escalated when the teacher allegedly slapped the student, who responded with a series of physical attacks, including punches and kicks.
Videos captured by students show the teacher and student exchanging blows in what appeared to be the school auditorium, as onlookers, including other students and adults, attempted to intervene. In one clip, the student can be heard accusing the teacher of hitting him first, stating, "I’m not taking that." Another video reveals the teacher bleeding from the nose and with visible bruises on his face.
The teacher, who sustained significant injuries, was rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment. Medical officials confirmed his condition is stable, though he will require time to recover from both physical injuries and emotional distress.
The student fled the school premises immediately after the altercation, reportedly vowing not to return. Efforts to contact his family have so far been unsuccessful.
According to Trinidad and Tobego Guardian, the South/Central Police Division head Wayne Mystar confirmed that authorities are investigating the incident. Officers are expected to visit the school to interview the principal, students, and other witnesses to establish the full details of the event.
This marks the second violent teacher-student confrontation reported at Moruga Secondary School within a week, raising concerns about safety and discipline in the institution. Parents and stakeholders have called for urgent measures to address escalating violence in schools, emphasizing the need for improved conflict resolution strategies and better teacher-student relationship management.
The Ministry of Education is expected to issue a statement following a thorough investigation, with disciplinary action likely to follow for those involved. Meanwhile, the incident has reignited public discourse on the enforcement of discipline in schools and the protection of educators in their workplaces.
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